iManage - Data Management Solutions

Product Designer
Project Overview
Our project is centered around the comprehensive overhaul of our SaaS application to address its current limitations in design, functionality, and device responsiveness. We aim to reimplement the application's architecture to ensure optimal performance and user experience across all modern devices, with varying screen sizes and resolutions. By streamlining the user interface to eliminate clutter and confusion, we will significantly enhance navigational efficiency and user satisfaction, ultimately reducing frustration and improving overall user engagement with the application.
My Contributions
Our project successfully transformed the iManage Works  application into a highly responsive and user-friendly platform, offering an exceptional user experience across a multitude of devices and screen sizes. Through the integration of a modern, intuitive interface, I significantly boosted user engagement and productivity, enabling efficient navigation and task management. The application's capability for real-time updates and responsive design elements ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience for users, enhancing its value across diverse platforms.
Starting with the basics. Who, what and why.
The strategy was to conduct a comprehensive design audit of the platform to identify areas where design principles and best practices were overlooked. I created prototypes, gathered feedback, and employed an iterative process to ensure continuous improvement.